The Berkeley Camera Club was organized on September 17, 1946, and incorporated as a non-profit organization on November 25, 1957, County of Alameda, State of California.
Berkeley Camera Club is a robust organization offering something of value to photographic enthusiasts of every sort. We comprise well over 100 photographers ranging from beginners to highly proficient. A board of directors governs with officers and activity chairs.
With enthusiastic members, meetings every Tuesday and a wide variety of activities, we are a very dynamic club. Two meetings a month provide opportunities to participate in judged projected-image competitions in five divisions (Nature, Pictorial, Creative, Journalism, Travel). We also show and discuss photographic prints using state-of-the-art easels and lighting. On Image Nights we share and discuss projected images, while Special Programs host outside speakers such as professional photographers and artists. In addition, we have exciting, varied monthly field trips, some overnight.
Annual events include an awards banquet showcasing the year’s competition winners, a summer picnic, and a booth at the Solano Stroll. Occasionally we have shows of our work at Bay Area businesses or galleries.
BCC is among 16 camera clubs around the San Francisco Bay Area, from Santa Rosa to Livermore to San Jose, belonging to the Northern California Council of Camera Clubs ( While largely autonomous, we share compeitions and events through the N4C. In turn, both BCC and N4C are members of the Photographic Society of America (—which, despite its name, is international with clubs and councils on five continents. The standards we adhere to mirror those of N4C and PSA.
Perhaps the biggest benefits gained by Berkeley Camera Club membership are learning, networking and fellowship. Members are always encouraged to bring guests to our meetings and activities, or you can simply drop in. No one is a stranger when they walk in our door.
Statement of Purpose
As stated in its constitution, the purposes of the Club are as follows:
- To promote the general welfare of persons interested in photography and to provide a means for their free association and the exchange of ideas.
- To encourage the improvement of photographic techniques and their application to artistic, scientific, or personal ends.
- To help members find their way to a more satisfying use of photography as a form of recreation, art and self-expression.
- To promote contests and exhibitions of photographic images that result from members’ efforts.
- To provide a meeting place for the membership.
Our Board
for 2025
Tom Minczeski
- President
Mat Ross
- First Vice-president |
Addie Jenkins/Cookie Segelstein |
- Treasurer |
Carol Chihara
- Secretary |
Susie Bailey
- Image Night Chair
Mishaa DeGraw
- Nature/Creative Chair
Ken Osborn
- Travel/Journalism Chair
Ken Mark
- Print Night Chair
Ada Endress
- Pictorial/Monochrome Chair
Lyrinda Snyderman |
- Special Programs Chair |
Bill Johnston |
- Field Trip Chair
Peter Townsend
- Membership Chair
Ron Shattil
- Electronic Image Coordinator
Rea Franjetic |
- Webmaster
Vern Muhr
- Data Coordinator
David Lingenfelter
-N4C delegate
Outreach Coordinator
- Open
Outside Exhibits Coordinator
- Open